ASTM Standards Alert

Published : 18/05/2021
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Can your manufacturer of the moisture vapour barrier state in writing that their barrier(s) have been tested & comply with the 10gms/sqm/24 hrs for water vapour transmission rate as per the NEW ASTM1884.2021 standard.

Want a bit more information on the E96 Water Vapour Transmission Test?

The purpose of these tests is to obtain, by means of simple apparatus, reliable values of water vapour transfer through permeable and semipermeable materials, expressed in suitable units. These values are for use in design, manufacture, and marketing. A permeance value obtained under one set of test conditions may not indicate the value under a different set of conditions. For this reason, the test conditions should be selected that most closely approach the conditions of use.

These test methods cover the determination of water vapour transmission (WVT) of materials through which the passage of water vapour may be of importance, such as paper, plastic films, other sheet materials, fiberboards, gypsum and plaster products, wood products, and plastics. The test methods are limited to specimens not over 32 mm in thickness. Two basic methods, the Desiccant Method and the Water Method are provided for the measurement of permeance, and two variations include service conditions with one side wetted and service conditions with low humidity on one side and high humidity on the other. The agreement should not be expected between results obtained by different methods. The method should be selected that more nearly approaches the conditions of use.

The E96 Test itself cannot be performed in the field or on-site and must be performed by a certified laboratory facility.

If they can't, maybe consider using a moisture vapour barrier from a reputable manufacturer such as Mapei who have multiple different barriers to COVER any job you have.

Relative Humidity (RH), up to 100%

Now available in-store: 11 Belmont Avenue, Belmont WA 6104

Need help to find out what moisture vapour barrier to use, why not give us a call (08) 9277 7177

Competitive Contractors Pricing Available.

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