Calcium Chloride Test

Calcium Chloride Test For Concrete

A calcium chloride test, also known as a concrete moisture test or a moisture vapor emission rate (MVER) test, is an important procedure in the construction and flooring industries. Like our other moisture meters for sale, the calcium chloride test is used to measure the moisture vapor emissions from concrete slabs.

Why Kevmor Calcium Chloride Tests?

    If you know the importance of accurate concrete moisture detection and readings, you likely already see Calcium Chloride Tests as essential tools for flooring projects. A calcium chloride floor moisture test is able to provide reliable moisture vapor emission rate (MVER) measurements. This data helps you know without a doubt when concrete slabs are ready for flooring installation.

    • Must-have MVER test kit for concrete: Calcium Chloride Tests test concrete moisture vapor emissions.
    • Prevent concrete flooring issues: variety of test-kits, including Beno Gundlach 923 Series Kits.
    • From small-scale assessments to much larger evaluations, our calcium chloride concrete moisture test kits meet every requirement in moisture testing.

    If you're in Perth, WA and searching for calcium chloride or svapor emission test kits near you, visit our City of Belmont flooring store Monday through Friday! Or buy from our online shop and get FREE shipping Australia-wide (on eligible orders over $100)!

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